Etouches provides you with different options to make your registration page robust
eReg Module
- Personal and detailed creation of your event
- Customizable branding and pricing capabilities
- Can collect event registration fees in most global currencies
- Automatically deploys confirmation emails to event registrants and notifications to organizers
- Registrant badge printing
- Creates customizable registrant surveys
- Accesses detailed summary reports on attendees
- Obtains real-time data and statistics on attendees preferences
- Integrated with Passkey, Cliqbook, Facebook, Salesforce and other applications
- Fully exportable data capabilities to Excel using text files with reporting functionality
- Ability to “clone” events to expedite the creation of new events
- Increased event registrants through recommendations and discounts
- Effective word-of-mouth referrals for event promotions
- Increased participation through recommendations, discounts, and viral marketing
eMarketing Module
- Create, send, and manage new emails in text, HTML, or both
- Send alerts such as “Save the Date” or “Registration is Now Live”
- Clone sent and archived emails for similar marketing within and across events
- Create and upload new mailing lists or select from any existing number of email lists you have already created
- View how many recipients opened your email
- View who opened your email
- View click-through reports and unique hits
- View recipients who have clicked on links
- Show your vendors who is clicking on their links
- Manage unsubscriptions
eSurvey Module
- Gauge perceptions
- Understand awareness
- Listen to preferences
- Clarify messaging
- Share your results with a link
eHome Module
- Multilingual content, for ease in event advertising and registration
- Professional, easily customizable page templates, requiring no HTML knowledge
- Automatic event updates, keeping your page in step with changes to the event
- “Tell a friend” feature, for user-driven event production
- A simple presentation of information to expedite attendee registration
- Logo and link uploads for hotel, travel, and event information
- A Registration tab, which directs viewers back to eReg and the registration process